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Enterprise GIS

Pilbara Minerals

Pilbara Minerals experienced massive growth in the last few years, becoming an ASX50 listed company and one of the world's major suppliers of hard rock lithium. With a rapidly growing workforce and increasingly complex operations, they needed a high-quality enterprise GIS to help manage their business.

2021 - ongoing
  • QGIS

Since late 2021, when we were first engaged by Pilbara Minerals to help set up an enterprise GIS, we've worked alongside them to strengthen their geospatial capabilities as demands continue to grow.

We've supported the continuous advancement of the Pilbara Minerals GIS with:

  • GIS strategy
  • In-house GIS support
  • Mentorship and internal capacity building, including QGIS training
  • Complementary GIS assets like map templates and style libraries
  • Strategic GIS initiatives, including a centralised PostGIS geospatial database