Land use capacity assessment tool
We were engaged by Kaleka (formerly Inobu) to build a prototype web application for the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The application has a public-facing component, where users can test land use changes, and a private component, where district users can assess their land use change scenarios for environmental impacts and human carrying capacity.
- Vue/Nuxt
- Django
- PostGIS
- D3
Kaleka is an Indonesian non-profit research institute working to improve public policies and strengthen civil society to sustainably manage Indonesia's natural resources and agricultural production systems.
For the backend build and data processing we employed powerful open source software, including Django, GDAL and PostGIS, For the client-facing frontend we used modern web technologies like Vue.js, D3.js and Mapbox GL to build a powerful web application that created an easy to use interface for complex data analysis scenarios.