Workshop: Introduction to QGIS
Indigenous Mapping Workshop Australia
This incredible event brought Aboriginal people to Naarm from all over Australia to learn mapping skills, and share their stories about how they work to care for their country.
We were invited to collaborate on developing and delivering the QGIS training stream. Over two days, with 25 learners, 6 assistants, and 2 trainers, we explored the fundamentals of QGIS in the context of a hypothetical Aboriginal fire management program.

In the first ten minutes of the QGIS stream, each of the learners talked about how they use (or want to use) mapping to take care of their country and community, and it became immediately clear we were working with a powerfully motivated group of people.
The energy level remained consistently high over the session, and by the end of day 2, everyone was comfortably using QGIS to manage data, make maps, and prepare their data for field work. It's exciting to think about the many ways QGIS will be put to use in communities around Australia!