Community-driven vineyard data model
Collabriculture was created to bring the Australian viticulture community together to conjure a vision for sharing data and tech. We supported the project by developing conceptual and logical vineyard data models in collaboration with the community.
"Mammoth Geospatial were instrumental in the Collabriculture project to bring a more open approach to mapping vineyards. Mammoth went over and beyond our expectations in terms of physically getting onto vineyards to understand the practical challenges first hand, and guiding the Collabriculture process so the openly published outcomes were neutral from any specific technology stack."
Oli Madgett
Principal Investigator
We initially took the feedback from across the wine industry in terms of the most important features of a vineyard to map, and distilled it into an abstract data model. We subsequently developed a logical data model for mapping vineyards and published a practical implementation on GitHub as a starting point for other developers working in the viti-tech space.